Marea Britanie: Copiii de 12 ani sunt învățați la școală despre sexul anal, în timp ce copiilor de 9 ani li se cere să se „masturbeze” ca temă pentru acasă

Marea Britanie: Copiii de 12 ani sunt învățați la școală despre sexul anal, în timp ce copiilor de 9 ani li se cere să se „masturbeze” ca temă pentru acasă

Elevii sunt învățați despre sexul anal și orgasme înainte de a fi ajuns la pubertate și li se stabilește "masturbarea" ca temă pentru acasă, dezvăluie planurile de lecție secrete, scrie MailOnline.

Mulți profesori îi "îndoctrinează" pe copii cu afirmații false din punct de vedere științific despre sexul biologic, prezentând genul ca fiind fluid și promovând o narațiune conform căreia oamenii se pot naște în corpul greșit.

Acest lucru vine în contextul în care NHS se confruntă cu o acțiune în justiție în masă din partea a 1.000 de familii care susțin că copiii lor au fost forțați de Centrul Tavistock să ia "blocante pentru pubertate" care le schimbă viața.

MailOnline a descoperit materiale didactice grafice - inclusiv un manual de sex pentru preadolescenți - care sunt predate copiilor în clasele din Marea Britanie.

Aceasta a fost făcută după ce unei mame îngrijorate i s-a refuzat dreptul de a vedea conținutul lecțiilor predate fiicei sale de 15 ani în cadrul orelor de educație sexuală și relațională (RSE), care au devenit obligatorii în urmă cu trei ani.

În ciuda faptului că un judecător i-a refuzat lui Clare Page dreptul de a vedea materialul, MailOnline poate dezvălui că o mulțime de resurse didactice discutabile sunt deja disponibile online.

Cărți de colorat, căutări de cuvinte și desene animate au fost, de asemenea, oferite fetelor și băieților de către "profesori activiști" în "misiunea lor globală de a sexualiza copiii în numele incluziunii".

Din septembrie 2020, educația în domeniul relațiilor este obligatorie în școlile primare, iar RSE este obligatorie în școlile secundare. Schimbarea a lăsat multe cadre didactice în căutare de îndrumare.

Vidul a fost umplut de organizații de caritate - unele care adăpostesc opinii neconvenționale despre sexul biologic și care împărtășesc pe site-urile lor materiale care fac referire la sexul minorilor.

Mai multe amanunte AICI .

Many teachers are 'indoctrinating' children with scientifically false claims about biological sex, presenting gender as fluid and furthering the 'trans' narrative that people can be born in the wrong body. Pictured: A lesson plan from a school in Dorset, for schoolchildren in Year 10, aged 14 to 15
An 'award-winning' teaching pack for children as young as nine who have learning disabilities created before RSE was made mandatory was similarly graphic. One of the lesson plans suggested teachers 'show the group pictures of male and female masturbation' and 'simulate anatomically correct dolls masturbating'

These are resources from a lesson plan for children as young as nine. In the lesson plan the images are not blurred, and show a boy girl masturbating. The boy is shown as he is in the middle of ejaculating
These are resources from a lesson plan for children as young as nine. In the lesson plan the images are not blurred, and show a girl masturbating. The naked girl is seen touching herself while closing her eyes and opening her mouth

A colouring book aimed at children as young as five invited users to colour in Zoë, who is 'non-binary', which according to the book means 'they are neither a boy or a girl'.

Another lesson resource, a book called Great Relationships and Sex Education that is 'extremely popular with RSE educators', points children aged 11 to 13 to a 'hands on guide' to masturbation that suggests it can be 'highly pleasurable' to touch your anus, genitals and nipples

Vagina Matters is the top free teaching resource on sexual health charity Brook's website. The book (pictured) aimed at 12 to 14-year-olds girls covers sex, masturbation and orgasms

It includes cartoons of a woman's naked breasts, buttocks and vagina (pictured)

The guide, for 12 to 14-year-old girls, says: 'You can be sexually attracted to anyone.' It also listed ways to find 'sexual pleasure' that included 'anal sex' and 'oral sex'

The guide also normalises sex 'before your first menstruation'. Most girls start to menstruate between the ages of eight and 13. Sex before the age of 13 is legally considered as rape

Under an 'advice' heading it added: 'You can use your fingers to play with your clitoris - stroke it, massage it, rub it, pinch or squeeze it lightly'

Calverley Primary School in West Yorkshire lists 'wet dream' and 'masturbation' in its agreed vocabulary for nine and 10-year-olds' RSE classes
A lesson plan adopted from SEF by Merrywood House Independent Special School, in Surrey, intended to teach boys and girls as young as nine about 'masturbation', 'wet dreams' and 'sexual feelings'

Rotherham School Improvement Service also lists 'masturbation' in its 'key vocabulary' for children in Year 6

Similarly, Westfield Primary School, in Surrey, includes 'clitoris', 'masturbation' and 'wet dream' in its Year 6 Sex Education vocabulary list

An in-house resource created by a London secondary school and taught to children in Year 9 (aged 13 to 14) said a person's gender was not the same as sex and was 'a much more intrinsic part of you'

A lesson plan created by sexual health charity Brook said one learning objective from a class on gender and stereotypes was to be able to 'identify a range of gender identities, sexual orientations and recognise that how we identify is on a spectrum'
This school's lesson plan said nine and 10-year-olds needed to learn that gender identity could differ from biological sex and that diversity and inclusion was important in promoting career opportunities
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This school's lesson plan said nine and 10-year-olds needed to learn that gender identity could differ from biological sex and that diversity and inclusion was important in promoting career opportunities
A lesson plan from Hillcrest Primary School in Norfolk said children aged nine to 10, in Year 5, would need to 'identify the meaning of gender identity and biological sex' and 'describe how we can show respect to fellow students'

Teaching material made by Norfolk County Council's Educator Solutions and shared by Mulbarton Primary School, which is near Norwich, includes cartoons of naked toddlers to show to five and six-year-olds. Pictured: A naked male toddler, originally not blurred

It suggests pupils should point out the penis and vulva but warns teachers not to tell off children for using slang words for genitalia. Pictured: A naked female toddler, originally not blurred

This colouring book was created by the LGBT Foundation, which defines a woman as 'someone who identifies as a woman' and claims not all people who can menstruate and become pregnant are women

In the colouring book, primary school children were invited to colour in a smiling trans cartoon figure called John

The book has 14 pages for children to  colour in as they learn about 'trans terminology and the LGB community'

Vagina Matters also incorporated a sexually transmitted diseases word search into its sex manual for girls as young as 12


1 Discursul unei femei simple din Republica Moldova care îi pune la colț pe rusofili. Tudor Chirilă: „Cel mai bun monolog de anul ǎsta!”

2 Pilot de bombardiere, ucis cu ciocanul în Rusia. El a omorât zeci de ucraineni în atacuri asupra unor obiective civile

3 Ce salariu are Diana Matei la Ministerul Apărării Naționale: „Trebuie să fac diferența între brut și net că habar nu am”

4 Amantlâc, fraudă și râcă la MAE

5 Jurnalist pro-rus, printre primii pe listele AUR pentru Senat. Ce declaraţii făcea la Ambasada Rusiei?